TUPLES introduction at the ANITI Days

Sylvie Thiebaux, Coordinator of the TUPLES Project, made an introductory presentation of the objectives and challenges of our projects during the ANITI Days
TUPLES introduction at the ANITI Days

Open to the entire scientific community, evolving in the field of artificial intelligence, to people initiated or interested in subjects related to AI, ANITI days are an opportunity to present and discuss progress and results. research work in AI but also to expose the scientific problems encountered as well as the avenues and solutions explored on a daily basis.

Round tables will also provide a cross-section of disciplines such as philosophy, neuroscience and artificial intelligence.

On the 11th of October during the TUPLES Project Coordinator, Sylvie Thiebaux, made a presentation focused on the aspect of trusted planning and scheduling system.

See the video of the presentation:

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