Our partner Optit

Founded to bring the practice of Operations Research to the market, Optit offers today operational excellence and effective decision making support systems leveraging on a large range of Analytics and Artificial Intelligence approaches.

Founded in 2007 as a spin off of the Operations Research (OR) team of the University of Bologna, Italy, Optit designs, develops and ensures long term provision of innovative Decision Support Systems that leverage on advanced data analytics, forecasting, machine learning, simulation and optimization techniques and Artificial Intelligence at large.
The company currently employs more than forty young talents, based in Bologna and Cesena, integrating mathematical and modeling experts, data scientists, a full stack software development factory and management consultants.

Optit operates in various industries, with a distinctive offering in transportation and logistics, energy, and environmental services.  It also participates in numerous EU funded projects, mostly in the Energy sector (UpgradeDH and PlaMES ) and industrial retrofitting of Resource and Energy Intensive Industries (www.Retrofeed.eu), aiming to leverage on digitalisation and analytics to support decarbonisation and circular economy advancements.

The Company is one of the founders of the EURO Forum on Practice of Operations Research and manages several collaborations with universities and research institutes at national and international level to transfer know-how into the markets, fostering operational excellence and effective decision making, transforming data into tangible economic value (as well as environmental and societal benefits).

Optit contributes in the TUPLES project providing 2 use cases, one in energy and one in waste management, based on more than 10 years of experience in each field. 

The academic partners, starting from the business requirements and challenges faced by Optit in the market, will explore new means to improve performance and capacity to comply with Trustworthy AI guidelines (with a particular focus on robustness and  explainability, that represent ongoing challenges to ensure adoption by the end users).
It will also engage in the design and development of a Self-Assessment tool on  Trustworthyness of AI, which represents one of the key project’s deliverables.

Finally, Optit is Work Package leader for WP7, coordinating Dissemination and Communication activities for the whole consortium.

Latest News

This research explores the needs of planners and schedulers, their perspectives on artificial intelligence tools, and examines the interaction between human factors and operational needs in planning and scheduling.

Join us from October 2024 to advance Trustworthy AI with real-world industrial applications

TUPLES members will lead key workshops at ICAPS 2024 in Alberta, Canada, showcasing advancements in human-aware, explainable, and data-driven planning and scheduling