Building trustworthy planning and scheduling systems

What is a reliable Al system? 
We want to deeply investigate the technical and algorithmic bases of such systems

The three-year mission of TUPLES is to provide new technical approaches for Planning & Scheduling

We will test our findings on real-world problems and create a test environment for future reliable P&S systems

Just wrapped up our 24-month General Assembly. As we enter the final year of the project, we’re focused on delivering AI-driven planning & scheduling tools for real-world impact. Exciting times ahead!

Our project was very well presented at the last CP2024 (International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming).

This research explores the needs of planners and schedulers, their perspectives on artificial intelligence tools, and examines the interaction between human factors and operational needs in planning and scheduling.

building tools to increase confidence

No harm to people or the environment

Stability and sensitivity in all situations