Blossom: an Anytime Algorithm for Computing Optimal Decision Trees
Emir Demirović, Emmanuel Hebrard, Louis Jean
PUBLICATIONThe first objective of TUPLES is to advance the scientific state of the art in the field of Trustworthy AI and its application in the design and management of safe, robust, scalable and explainable Planning & Scheduling decision support systems and tools.The original contributions produced by the TUPLES consortium partners, as part of the project, will be linked below, as soon as they are published.
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Emir Demirović, Emmanuel Hebrard, Louis Jean
PUBLICATIONSofia Morandini, Federico Fraboni, Enzo Balatti, Aranka Hackmann, Hannah Brendel, Gabriele Puzzo, Lucia Volpi, Davide Giusino, Marco De Angelis, Luca Pietrantoni
PUBLICATIONMarcel Vinzent, Siddhant Sharma, Jörg Hoffmann
PUBLICATIONXandra Schuler, Jan Eisenhut, Daniel Höller, Daniel Fišer, Jörg Hoffmann
PUBLICATIONJan Eisenhut, Álvaro Torralba, Maria Christakis, Jörg Hoffmann
PUBLICATIONMarcel Vinzent, Min Wu, Haoze Wu, Jörg Hoffmann
PUBLICATIONJesse Davis is a keynote speaker at the 17th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2023) in Arras (France), September 2023.
By Tias Guns at the ACP SUMMER SCHOOL 2023 on Machine Learning for Constraint Programming.
By Tias Guns at the ACP SUMMER SCHOOL 2023 on Machine Learning for Constraint Programming
By Michele Lombardi at the ACP SUMMER SCHOOL 2023 on Machine Learning for Constraint Programming
Constraint Acquisition: Learning Constraint Models from Data by Dimos Tsouros at the ACP SUMMER SCHOOL 2023 on Machine Learning for Constraint Programming.
Invited talk on “Optimisation in Machine Learning” by Tias Guns at VAIA, June 2023.
Invited talk on “Measuring Passing Creativity in Soccer” by Jesse Davis at the World Congress on Science and Football, Groningen. May 2023.
Invited talk “Learning from user and environment in combinatorial optimisation”by Tias Guns at IPAM workshop. Feb 2023
Invited seminar by Tias Guns on “Predict and Optimize: combinatorial optimisation with machine-learning based input” at VAIA (Flemish AI Academy). March 2023.
The workshop will be featured in the 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Hanoi, Vietnam
Jörg Hoffmann, Saarland University is in the Organization Committe
Organizing Committee – Rebecca Eifler | LAAS-CNRS
Steering Committee – Jörg Hoffmann| Saarland University
RDDPS Workshop at the 34th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling ICAPS.
Organizers: Daniel Höller, Jörg Hoffmann, Marcel Steinmetz and Sylvie Thiebaux, are among the organizers
Spring workshop on Mining and Learning 2023 (SMiLe 2023) in Sint-Michielgestel, Netherlands.
Co-organizers: Prof. Jesse Davis, Prof. Tias Guns
In conjunction with ECMLPKDD 2023 (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery).
Co-organizer: Prof. Jesse Davis
KU Leuven University.
Co-organizer: Prof. Tias Guns
Workshop @ ICAPS
Organizers: Jesse Davis, Daniel Höller, Jörg Hoffmann, Michele Lombardi, Sylvie Thiebaux
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