
Our project was very well presented at the last CP2024 (International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming).

Join us from October 2024 to advance Trustworthy AI with real-world industrial applications

TUPLES members will lead key workshops at ICAPS 2024 in Alberta, Canada, showcasing advancements in human-aware, explainable, and data-driven planning and scheduling

We presented the key challenges of trustworthy AI through one of our project’s five use cases: the BELUGA™ Airbus Scheduling and Logistics in Aircraft Manufacturing.

AI in the places where it's actually done, with little media hype and a lot of hard work.

The manufacturing use case is based on well-known scheduling and resource allocation and planning challenges and this use case has a number of special features that make the challenge much more complex. The use case has two applications: robust scheduling of resources and resource allocation for rack systems.

The Artificial Intelligence Center (AIC) and the Intelligent Data Analysis research group (IDA) from Czech Technical University in Prague will contribute to the project.

Online collaboration is working fine but sometimes meeting face to face is really a good thing. So we did it for the third time in KU Leuven.

We are very pleased to announce that our coordinator, Sylvie Thiebaux, is at the prestigious IJCAI23 conference both as Area Chair and as presenter of the paper "Formal Explanations of Neural Network Policies for Planning".

The workshop for Hierarchical Planning (HPlan) was founded in 2018 and is carried out since then every year at the International Conference of Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS). Among the Organizing Committee of this 2023 edition is Daniel Höller from Saarland University, member of the TUPLES project.

The 2023 ICAPS (International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling) featured an array of captivating workshops, and one that involved many TUPLES’ members was the Workshop on Robust Decision Making for Planning and Scheduling (RDDPS).

Rebecca Eifler and Jörg Hoffmann from TUPLES are members of the organizing and steering committees respectively. Daniel Holler, member of the TUPLES Consortium, will give an invited talk.

The second plenary meeting of the Consortium took place in Bologna - Italy.

Are you looking for a summer school on the integration of constraint programming and machine learning? See all details of our ACP summer school

Automatic Metamorphic Test Oracles for Action-Policy Testing AUTHORS: Jan Eisenhut, Álvaro Torralba, Maria Christakis and Joerg Hoffmann

KU Leuven's Machine Learning Group's expertise in hybrid AI and machine learning, as well as their extensive experience in relevant application domains, makes them a valuable partner in the TUPLES project.

Our partner SciSports

SciSports is a rapidly growing sports analytics company that is revolutionizing the sports industry with its innovative use of artificial intelligence (AI).

Prof. Jesse Davis (KU Leuven) and collaborators are organizing The Verifying Learning AI Systems (VeriLearn) workshop in conjunction with the 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, to be held in Krakow, Poland. The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers interested in exploring how verification and machine learning can be combined to provide strong guarantees about software that learns and adapts itself based on past experiences.

Our partner Airbus

Airbus is a leader in the aerospace industry but also an innovator in AI research and development. Its involvement in the TUPLES project is another example of Airbus's dedication to advancing the field of AI planning and its practical applications in manufacturing and pilot operations.

Our partner Optit

Founded to bring the practice of Operations Research to the market, Optit offers today operational excellence and effective decision making support systems leveraging on a large range of Analytics and Artificial Intelligence approaches.

Marcel Vinzent PHD at the AI Group at Saarland University has presented at the prestigious AAAI Conference the paper “Neural Policy Safety Verification via Predicate Abstraction: CEGAR.” written by Marcel Vinzent, Siddhant Sharma, Joerg Hoffmann

ANITI, our project coordinator, will bring into the TUPLES project its capacity to connect industrial process and AI

TUPLES website is online

TUPLES has launched its website and its social channels

Sylvie Thiebaux, Coordinator of the TUPLES Project, made an introductory presentation of the objectives and challenges of our projects during the ANITI Days

The TUPLES project kicked off with a large general assembly